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Request Signing

All requests to the Zoksh server require you to sign the request.

Only POST requests are handled.

API Keys are available under Settings > Accounts > API Keys section of your dashboard.


For all api requests, the following headers should be sent with the request:

ZOKSH-KEY: Your Account Id.

ZOKSH-TS: Unix timestamp i.e. number of milliseconds since Unix epoch.

ZOKSH-SIGN: SHA256 HMAC of the following three strings, using your Secret Key.

  1. Request timestamp in miliseconds (e.g. 1635713520060), same as ZOKSH-TS.
  2. Request path, including leading slash without any query parameters but not including the hostname (e.g. /v1/validate-payment).
  3. Request body (JSON-encoded).
Example Node js signature calculation
  const crypto = require('crypto');

// POST request body
const postBody = {};
postBody['transaction'] = '0x01c483d2deb658e7cd6beea753aad0e176ea508b517b01eab9b45bf8e03b3a15';

// stringify the POST request body
const postBodyJson = JSON.stringify(postBody);

// Unix timestamp of when the request is being made. Same as ZOKSH-TS.
const ts = new Date().getTime();

// Zoksh API Server URL you are sending your POST request to.
const requestPath = '/v1/validate-payment';

// creating hmac object using your API Secret Key.
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', '__Secret Key__');

// combined string to be signed
const toSign = `${ts}${requestPath}${postBodyJson}`;

const signature = hmac.update(toSign).digest('hex');

Test data

If you have your backed written in node js, you can use the the code above to sign the requests. We will provide code in other languages in the future. Till then you can use following test data to verify your code.

Test Data 1

// postBody
"prefill": {
"name":"Demo user",
"label":"Sneaker NFT #3125 EI35",
"extra":"something here",

// ZOKSH-KEY or Account ID

// requestPath

// timestamp

// Secret Key

// toSign
1669891598013/v2/order{"prefill":{"name":"Demo user","phone":"+91-8787878787","email":""},"amount":"70","fiat":"USD","label":"Sneaker NFT #3125 EI35","merchant":{"desc":"","extra":"something here","orderId":"some_order_id_here"}}

// Signature

Test Data 2

// postBody
"prefill": {
"name":"Demo user 2",
"label":"Shining Moneky NFT",
"extra":"something extra here",

// ZOKSH-KEY or Account ID

// timestamp

// requestPath

// Secret Key

// toSign
1669891267262/v2/order{"prefill":{"name":"Demo user 2","phone":"+91-9999999999","email":""},"amount":"700","fiat":"USD","label":"Shining Moneky NFT","merchant":{"desc":"","extra":"something extra here","orderId":"merchant_local_merchant_id"}}

// Signature