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Widget Integration

You can also use the Zoksh payment script to trigger the ramp flow.

Embed script

Include the script hosted at to your site to enable ramp on the site.

Trigger widget

<button id="buy_now">Buy now</button>
<script src="" ></script>
document.querySelector('#buy_now').addEventListener('click', async () => {
const mp = new Zoksh({
mode: 'ramp',
apiKey: '63a003db4b7c475b2fb782e6', // REQUIRED
environment: 'test', // test , prod
prefill: {
name: 'Demo user',
email: ''
rampConfig: {
wallets: {
ethereum: '0xf2ccabfb643a44d9c7b775a60b2c26dce9895fed655f********************',
bitcoin: 'bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf****************'
networks: ['ethereum', 'bitcoin'],
cryptos: ['ETH','BTC']